Social distancing may mean that your everyday life has got too close for comfort. If you feel you need some friendly and understanding advice from a specialist Family Law Lawyer, then First Line Family Law can help. Self-isolating doesn’t mean you have to go through a relationship breakdown alone.
We are certainly living in exceptional and unusual times. Community spirit is high, and people are pulling together to make social distancing or living apart as normal as possible. They say that you really get to know someone when you live with them. Inevitably, isolating or social distancing is going to be easier for some than it will for others. When everyday living with your partner is already too close for comfort, emotions will run high.
We’re facing troubling times and for some, the cracks in their relationship that were showing before may deepen. No one gets married thinking that one day it could end. The simple fact is that some marriages do end in Divorce, about half in fact. When tempers flare it’s easy to lose sight of what’s important and let an already difficult situation spiral out of control.
Divorce is the process of legally ending your marriage, it’s not an exercise in demonstrating fault or apportioning blame. You will have to work with your partner during the process and alienating them at the beginning will make matters more difficult in the future. For example, you may still have to talk about the arrangements for your children or finances.
Try not to rely on advice from website forums or people who have been through similar situations. Like your marriage/relationship, your separation is unique so make sure you understand your options. Emotional support from friends and family is good but getting proper legal advice from a Family Lawyer will bring you so much more.
Try not to lose sight of what is and is not important. If you have children, then remember that they will also be going through a big change. Although you may no longer want to be Husband or Wife, to the kids, you’re always going to be Mum or Dad.
The end of a relationship isn’t easy, but with the right support and advice it is survivable. Remember, you may be socially distancing yourself, but you don’t have to do this alone!
First Line Family Law is a specialist Family Law Solicitors firm that provides made to measure, affordable family law advice. For an initial no obligation meeting (video-conference appointments are available) call 02920660163 or email:
Richard Davies is a specialist family law solicitor with First Line Family Law. You can read more about Richard on our about page, or see Richard’s LinkedIn profile here.